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Legislative Updates

Remove Your Blinders

As a Christian, my wife and I try to use God's word as our guidance in daily life, and we pray seeking His will for our lives. We don't always get it right, of course. Sometimes we are distracted by the trappings and goings-on of Earthly life, and self-centered priorities. But we work daily to do better. It puzzles me, though, when Christians so determinedly turn a blind eye to what God's word tells us about life. During this Sanctity of Human Life Week, I believe it would help to review a critical passage in the book of Psalms:

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalms 139:16

All of life comes from God, and by His word he "knows" us before the world knows us. He knows the number and substance of our days before the first of our days has begun. By whose authority, then, are lives terminated before birth? For 40 years, since the Roe decision, this country has permitted (and funded) the killing of 55 million unborn children. It's high time those who profess to seek God's will for their lives, but support abortion (or refuse to stand against it), to remove their blinders from what God's message clearly tells us.

A recent tweet from Pastor Rick Warren hits the nail on the head:

@RickWarren: A Christian’s highest allegiance is to neither a donkey nor an elephant, but to #TheLamb. Anything less is idolatry.

Call your legislators in Frankfort, and insist they pass Pro-Life legislation THIS YEAR. For the last eight years, such legislation has been killed in the Kentucky House of Representatives. The Majority Party Representatives who cover part of my 3rd Senate District are Martha Jane King (Todd and Logan Counties), Brent Yonts (Greenville), and John Tilley (Hopkinsville). If these bills die in committee again, INSIST that these three use their influence to file a discharge petition bringing these bills to the House floor for a full up or down vote.

Call at 1-800-372-7181 and leave a message for any state legislator.

Email the Representatives named above here:,,

You can contact me by clicking here - it comes straight to me, not a staff member.

40 Years

See this brief reminder from The Family Foundation:

Today, we recognize the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. On this day in 1973, nine unelected judges made the decision that an unborn child did not have the same constitutional right as a child that is born alive. According to section 1 of the 14th Amendment, no state shall “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Since 1973, over 55 million children have been denied life and protection.

Call Representatives John Tilley (D, Hopkinsville, Martha Jane King (D, Todd & Logan Counties), and Brent Yonts (D, Greenville), all Majority Party members of the House who cover parts of my 3rd Senate District, to insist that the Kentucky House hold a vote on pro-life legislation this year. Call any legislator at 800-372-7181 to leave a message.

40 years is 40 years too many.

A Matter Of Timing

During Sanctity of Human Life Sunday on January 20th, the guest pastor at our church in Hopkinsville made a statement that was as stunning as it was obvious. But in all the time I've talked or campaigned about ending abortion, the idea had never been stated so simply as it was today. In the wake of the Newtown Connecticut shooting, the entire nation has been arguing over gun rights. One side vehemently claims there should be enhanced restrictions on gun ownership. The other side, equally inflamed, claims the Second Amendment "shall not be abridged." There has been no shortage of argument, political posturing, media spin and policy wielding over this dichotomy.

And yet, amongst the rancor, you'll find no one on any side who believes the murder of those children was good, or even remotely desirable.

A few years earlier and the murder of those children would've been protected by law. The intentional termination of those lives would have been protected as the mother's right to choose.

I pray that our Nation turns from this wickedness, and soon.


A Right To Life

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is tomorrow, January 20th. Pro-Life legislation keeps dying in the Kentucky House of Representatives. I urge everyone reading this to call your Representatives (or all of them) to use their position and pull to make certain Pro-Life legislation has a vote on the House floor (where it would likely pass). Unfortunately, such bills have been killed in committee for several consecutive years. Ask the Representatives to file a discharge petition if necessary to get the bills out of committee and on the House floor.

If you live in Christian, Todd or Logan County you should call Martha Jane King, Brent Yonts and John Tilley, who are the majority-party representatives who cover the 3rd District. URGE them to use their pull to get those bills a VOTE ON THE HOUSE FLOOR!! All three have publicly declared a pro-life position.

Call the legislator message line at 1-800-372-7181.

Too little has been done for too long to protect the lives of Kentucky's unborn children. Tell them you've had enough.


Week 1

FRANKFORT – As I write to you, I am wrapping up the first week of the 2013 General Assembly Session, 26 more days to go. Now, since this is a “short” session, when we adjourn Friday, we will not meet again until February 5th. The time is used to get new members, committee chairman, and newly-elected Leadership acclimated and everyone back up to speed.

The Senate President announced Senate Bill 1 which is aimed to making it easier for deployed military to vote. It has not been filed yet since staff is working to ensure that the process for this is as secure as possible. I want to do whatever I can to protect the right to vote of our troops abroad but I also want to ensure that the mechanism is as confidential as it should be. I will be the primary co-sponsor of this bill.

I myself filed Senate Bill 47, my first bill, that allows for law-enforcement to collect a DNA sample upon a felony arrest. The current law already requires a DNA sample be taken upon a felony conviction, but this new bill would assist in resolving unsolved crimes. Individuals who are arrested, and from whom a sample is taken, may petition that the DNA record be removed should the underlying offense be dismissed or result in an acquittal. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) passed a bill in the Senate, on January 1, known as Katie's Law, providing for funding for the implementation of bills like mine.

As chairman of the Judiciary Committee, I have already been involved in various meetings with my staff as well as experts on the Legislative Research Committee. I have also been studying various issues that will be coming up including adjustments to HB1 (the "pill mill bill"), Human Trafficking and synthetic drugs to name a few.

I want to keep you as informed as possible. Your input is not only valued and appreciated, it’s genuinely needed.  I encourage you to follow the issues and always welcome your comments and questions.  There are many ways you can stay in touch with the General Assembly.

The Kentucky Legislature Home Page,, provides information on each of the Commonwealth’s senators and representatives, including our phone numbers, addressees, and committee assignments.  The site also provides a bill tracking service, and committee meeting schedules.

By going to our eNews page,, you can subscribe to frequent e-mail updates on what’s happening at the Capitol.  In addition, the General Assembly has its own blog, Capitol Notes,, that will allow you to receive legislative updates at your leisure.

You can also follow legislative action in the following ways:

  • A taped message containing information on legislative committee meetings is updated daily at 1-800-633-9650.
  • To check the status of a bill, you may call the toll-free Bill Status Line at 1-866-840-2835.
  • To leave a message for any legislator, call the General Assembly’s toll-free Message Line at 1-800-372-7181.  People with hearing difficulties may leave messages for lawmakers by calling the TTY Message Line at 1-800-896-0305.
  • You may write me by sending a letter to: Capitol Annex, 702 Capitol Avenue, Suite 214, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.